SCPD Motorcycle Checkpoint On The LIE Nets Over 50 Summonses

SCPD motorcycle checkpoint nets over 50 summonses.
SCPD motorcycle checkpoint nets over 50 summonses.

Yaphank – Suffolk County Police Highway Patrol Bureau officers conducted a motorcycle safety checkpoint on the eastbound lanes of the Long Island Expressway between exits 65 and 66 in Yaphank on Sunday.

Highway Patrol officers stopped 102 motorcycles between 10:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. as they passed through the checkpoint and a total of 56 summonses were issued for the following safety violations:

12        Modified/Loud Exhaust System

6          Unregistered Motorcycle

5          Equipment Violations

10        Helmet Not Approved by Department of Transportation

14        Uninspected Motorcycle

3          Unlicensed Operator

1          Cell Phone Violation

5          Move Over Law

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