Anker’s Introductory Legislation For Former Kmart Property In Middle Island Unanimously Approved

Hauppauge – At the Suffolk County Environment, Planning and Agriculture Committee on Monday, August 29th, committee members unanimously approved Introductory Resolution 1757, sponsored by Legislator Sarah Anker.

Brookhaven News Herald Photo | Legislator Sarah Anker at the 2016 Longwood Memorial Day Remembrance

The resolution will move out of committee and be voted on by the entire Suffolk County Legislature at the next general meeting on Wednesday, September 7th. If approved at the general meeting, the resolution will authorize the commencement of appraisal steps for a portion of the blighted Kmart property on Middle Country Road in Middle Island.

The appraisal will be comprised of the southern portion of the property -approximately 21 acres- to be used as active parkland.

Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine attended the committee to voice his support of the acquisition and his commitment to working with the county to build a community park. Middle Island Civic President Gail Lynch-Bailey and Longwood Youth Sports Association representatives also attended to show their support.

“I would like to thank my fellow committee members for their support of this important resolution,” said Legislator Anker. “I will continue to advocate for the acquisition of this parcel until the dream of a community park becomes a reality.”

Legislator Anker tabled Introductory Resolution 1756 at the Environment, Planning and Agriculture Committee with the hopes of partnering with different levels of government, including New York State, which has expressed interest in working with the county to preserve the approximately 28 acre northern portion of the property as open space.

For more information, please contact Legislator Anker’s office at 631-854-1600.

Photo: Brookhaven News Herald-Jim Harrison  |  Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker earlier this year, in Middle Island.

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