Legislator Anker Introduces Two Resolutions For Blighted Kmart Property In Middle Island

Hauppauge – At the General Meeting of the Suffolk County Legislature on Tuesday, July 26th, Legislator Sarah Anker introduced two resolutions that could forever change Middle Island.
The two introductory resolutions, if approved by the Legislature, will begin the appraisal steps for the blighted Kmart property on Middle Country Road in Middle Island. One of the resolutions will appraise the southern portion of the property, approximately 21 acres, to be used as active parkland and the second resolution will appraise the northern portion of the property, approximately 28 acres, to be designated as open space.
The two resolutions introduced at Tuesday’s general meeting would give the county authorization to begin the appraisal process and if approved in committee, they could be voted on at the next general meeting.
Anker’s resolutions are the first steps toward turning the property into a park.
Since entering public office, Legislator Anker has been interested in having Suffolk County acquire this property to create a community park with athletic fields.

The old Kmart, which was recently demolished by the owner, remained vacant for over a decade.
This year, Legislator Anker has been working with Suffolk County, the Town of Brookhaven, community organizations, including the Longwood Youth Sports Association (LYSA) and Middle Island Civic Association, and the current owner of the property to bring the idea to full fruition. A community park would help decrease crime and improve the quality of life for residents in Middle Island, as well as provide a safe space for youth sports leagues.
“This blighted parcel is in great need of revitalization. Having been part of the creation of Mt. Sinai’s Heritage Park, I know with strong advocacy and public support we will be successful in Middle Island. After meeting with a number of stakeholders interested in creating Middle Island’s community park, I feel very confident that working together, we can make this field of dreams a reality.” said Legislator Anker.
“The Middle Island Civic Association unanimously supports the legislation for Suffolk County’s appraisal and eventual acquisition of the two western parcels at the old Kmart site,” said MICA President Gail Lynch-Bailey. The civic association hosted a park visioning session at its last meeting. “We are thrilled at the possibility of creating a wonderful park where children can play sports, families can gather outdoors, and residents of all ages can enjoy walking among nature. The park will be perfectly situated with an overview of Artist Lake to the south and access to preserved Pine Barrens woods to the north. We look forward to working with everyone to make this Field of Dreams come true!”
To voice your support for this project, please contact Legislator Anker’s office at 631-854-1600, or email Legislator Anker at Sarah.Anker@suffolkcountyny.gov.
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